•  "Potpisujem primenu Konvencije i apelujem da se svako nasilje prijavi. Džaba sve ako svi i dalje budemo gledali kako nekog maltretiraju, a ništa ne uradimo. "
    Ana Stančev, SRB
     "Podpišem C'MON WOMEN"
    Luca Slosar, SLO
    Danijela Bakula, SRB
  •  "Potpisujem!"
    Dragana Jandrić, SRB
    Jelena Buvač, SRB
    Tijana Krnjaić, SRB
  •  ""Potpisujem!""
    Danijela Spasic, SRB
     "I sign"
    ANA, ENG
     "Potpisujem Sanja Nola"
    Sanja Nola, HR
  •  "PODPIŠEM!"
    Diana Delić, SLO
    Ljiljana Vukadinović, HR
    Maria Szmatula Černe, SLO
  •  "Potpisujem"
    Kristina Tandara, HR
     "Ustavimo nasilje. Dovolj je."
    Veronika Dovjak, SLO
    sandra gulta, HR
  •  ":)"
    Сара Трајковска, MK
    Martina Melvan, HR
    Antea Svirac, HR
  •  "Ne tolerancija nasilja u bilo kom obliku."
    Snežana Jana erdeljan, SRB
     "Ich Unterstütze"
    Nicole Remy, AT
  •  "Potpisujem"
    Jelena Popović, SRB
    Tomislav Cuveljak, HR
     "Stop nasilju nad slabijima!"
    Milana Vujanovic, SRB
  •  "Site se ragjame podednakvo i site zasluzuvame da ziveeme dostoinstveno. Stop za nasilstvoto i pritisokot vrz zenata kako sopruga, majka, partner,stop za nasilstvoto vrz zenata kako nositel na site bitni funkcii vo sekojdnevniot zivot. Da se zdruzime site zaedno za podobar i podostoinstven zivot."
    Marija Kostova, MK
    Maja Sevnik, SLO
  •  "Потпишувам"
    Ирена Ѓелевски, MK
    Andreja Fabijančić, HR
    Andreja Pinter, HR
  •  ""
    Andrijana Marc, SLO
     "Potpisujem "
    kys faggots liars, HR
     "Podpišem Yes"
    jože filipčič, SLO
  •  "ker si ljudje ne smejo zatiskati oči."
    Nuša Čeh, SLO
     "Potpisujem jer stvari se moraju promijeniti."
    Nikolina Dolfić, HR
     "Potpisujem sve iz ove konvencije jer sam jedna od rijetkih rekla STOP i život mi se pretvorio u pakao."
    Andreja , HR
  •  "Potpisujem"
    Marijo Taritaš, HR
     "Proti vsem oblikam nasilja in nestrpnosti!"
    denis vukadin, SLO
     "Potpisujem, jer sve smo to mi."
    Džana Halilović , BIH
  •  "potpisujem"
    Slavka Oštrić, HR
    Lorena Henc, HR
    Davorka Begovic, HR
  •  "Podpišem!"
    Valerija Ravnak, SLO
    Ivanka Ristic, SRB
    Vedrana Misita Držanić, HR
  •  "potpisujem"
    Tijana Anicic, SRB
     "Ich Unterstütze diese Initiative, da die Gewalt an Frauen scheinbar zunimmt und auch im engsten Kreis passiert ist"
    Susanne Maurer, AT
     "mislim, da je zelo pomembno, da smo ženske samostojne in enakopravne moškim. upam da bo ta konvencija pripomogla k pravicam vseh žensk po svetu."
    lara juvančič, SLO
  •  "Potpisujem!"
    Danijela Blecic, BIH
     "Za vse ženske in otroke žrtve nasilja, zato moj podpis."
    Karmen Horvat, SLO
     "Dosti laže bi bilo nasilje preprečevati, če bi se že v šoli več pogovarjali o tem. Tam se začne. Pri prvih posesivnih in nasilnih dejanjih. Okoli 15 leta. Potem gre le na slabše. In ko posreduješ, se vtikaš v osebne zadeve. In ona vpije nate. "Pusti ga, saj je drugače čisto prijazen." Pa jo je le strah, da bo zvečer, na samem še bolj tepena."
    Danilo Škoflek, SLO
  •  "Potpisujem. Da svaka zrtva nasilja u porodici dobije adekvatnu i pravovremenu zastitu!"
    Mladen Ilić, SRB
     "Potpisujem i u potpunosti podržavam! Samo zajedničkim snagama mozemo se izboriti i ostvariti svoja prava!!!"
    Martina Kostovska, MK
  •  "Potpisujem"
    Selma Lazović, SRB
     "nikoj nema pravo da maltretira nekogo,na bilo koj nacin,pogotovo zena da se tepa imaltretira.za niv treba najstrogi zatvorski kazniПотпишувам"
    ljupka dejanovska, MK
    Katarina Kulić, SRB
  •  "Podpišem"
    Vida Vidmar Kastelic, SLO
    Lovorka Bačić, HR
    alisa senicic, SRB
  •  "Ko digne ruku na ženu, ubio je muškarca u sebi. Zauvek."
    Nikola Pantović, SRB
     "Potpisujem jer svako nasilje treba zaustaviti!!!"
    Mirjana Monić, HR
     "Potpisujem i zalažem se za primenu Konvencije i sprečavanje nasilja nad ženama."
    Slobodanka Konstantinović Vilić, SRB
  •  "Potpisujem"
    Anamarija Matina Mitić, HR
    dragana popovic, SRB
    Ana Rebac, HR
  •  "Podpišem"
    Vera Saračević, SLO
    Nikolina Stanković, HR
    Nikolina Kenig, MK
  •  "Potpisujem jer je zlostavljanje zločin. Toliko se zlostavljača provuče mimo i kroz sustav nekažnjeno. To nije prihvatljivo!"
    Andrijana Zelić, HR
     "Ne zatiskajmo si oči!"
    Anja P. Sansoni, SLO
    Sandra Marunica, HR
  •  "Z vsem srcem podpiram Konvencijo o preprečevanju nasilja nad ženskami in nasilje v družinah. Upam, da se bo to nekoč končalo."
    Milena Škrbina, SLO
    Violeta Marković, SRB
     "Protiv site vidovi na nasilstvo nad zenite!"
    Sanija Burageva, MK
  •  "potpisujem"
    Marica Miletic, SRB
    Aida Bagić, HR
    Branimir Matoz, HR
  •  "Potpisujem"
    Luka Semenski, HR
    Melita Novak, SLO
    Arpad Vukovac, SLO
  •  "Podpišem"
    melita škruba, SLO
     "Podpišem, ker si želim, da bi ženske lahko hodile po ulici, ne da bi se nam bilo treba ozirati nazaj, ker nas je strah, da bi bile kakorkoli napadene."
    Urška Zavašnik, SLO
    Davorka Radovanović, HR
  •  "Podpišem zato, da bo boljš"
    Vesna Skornšek, SLO
    Marin Turinski, HR
     "Potpisujem za primenu Konvencije protiv nasilja prema ženama"
    Jovana Ćatić, SRB
  •  "Potpisujem"
    Stanislava Nikolic Aras, HR
    Tanja Stajkovic Dimovski, MK
     "ne želim nikada više biti svjedok nasilja nad bilo kime. STOP ljudskoj gluposti!!! POtpisujem Konvenciju protiv nasilja!"
    Željka Pejić Benko, HR
  •  "Podpišem...za vse nas..."
    Sara Bizilj, SLO
    Dejana Miskovic, SRB
    Sergeja Kovše, SLO
  •  "potpisujem"
    Illes Mihok, SRB
    Nika Sukser, HR
  •  "Podpišem!!!"
    Aljoša Šajna, SLO
    Vendi Đorđević, HR
     "Stop nasilju!"
    Sofija Bogdanovic, SRB
  •  "Potpisujem"
    Sanda Malbaša, HR
    Martino Vučičić, HR
     "Podpišem !!!!"
    -cveta Vasiljević, SLO
  •  "Potpisujem"
    Ivana Burger, HR
     "Ich Unterstütze"
    Susanne Piffl-Pavelec, AT
     "menjajmo Srbiju na bolje... Dosta je gluposti pod okriljem kvazitradicije. Svi smo isti..."
    Miodrag Cosic, SRB
  •  "Potpisujem za nas, za zene, za nasu bezbednost ."
    Maja Karadzic, SRB
     "Potpisujem, žalosno da su za tako jednostavne stvari,potrebne tolike godine..."
    Manuela Uzelac-Cigler, HR
    Danica Škrijelj, SRB
  •  "Potpisujem Kao zrtva nasilja potpisujem ,zivim u sobi sa decom i cekam da odemo,zelim da zivimo mirno.17 godina fizickog i psihickog nasilja ."
    Grahovac Vanja, HR
    vesna stanoevska, MK
    Marina Mlakar, HR
  •  "Potisujem protiv svih oblika iskoristavanja, ugnjetavanja, nejednakosti i nasilja nad zenama sto je praksa u vecini drustava kroz povijest i sto je duboko ukorijenjeno u vecinu danasnjeg drustva. Neka globalizacija donese i neko dobro nama zenama osobito nasim najugrozenijim sestrama!"
    Marija Lakić, HR
    Aleksandra Zitnik, SLO
    Krešimir Košanski, HR
  •  "Potpisujem!"
    slavica čokeša, HR
     "Podrška svim ženama ..."
    Mirjana Ilic, SRB
    Latica Franulović Žuvela, HR
  •  "Podpisujem, da bomo skupaj lahko rekli nasilju STOP!"
    Mija Kravos, SLO
    Mirjana Pantelić, SRB
    Aleksandra Milovanovic, SRB
  •  "Potpisujem"
    Tijana Tropin, SRB
    jadranka beljan-balaban , SRB
     "Dajem svojo podporo za sprejetje konvencije SE o preprečevanju nasilja nad ženskami in v družini."
    Miro Tržan, SLO
  •  "Potpisujem"
    Nikola Rajčić, SRB
    Ana Vodlan, SLO
    Mateja Fabijanić, HR
  •  ""
    Simona Zalokar Lužnik, SLO
     "Potpisujem protiv nasilja nad ženama"
    Biljana Petković, SRB
    Margareta Buterer, HR
  •  "Potpisujem"
    Alma Sartori, HR
    miss aska, SRB
  •  "Potpisujem!"
    Bojana Zaric, SRB
    Ana Zajic, SRB
    Milena Topalović, SRB
  •  "Potpisujem"
    Lahorka Havranek Bijuković, HR
     "Stop svakom nasilju!!"
    Sanja Devalle , HR
     "Ker sem bila sama žrtev nasilja podpišem, miljonkrat če je potrebno."
    Barbara Majerle, SLO
  •  "Potpisujem"
    Marija Milosavljević, SRB
    Mirela Pindjak, HR
     "Ženski TAXI, TAXI ART, je pravica cloveka, ženske, to ni želja, ni anonimna želja, ampak je zahtevanje pravic,ki pripadajo ne glede na spol, aprilija lužar"
    Aprilija Lužar, SLO
  •  "Potpisujem"
    lidija bojovic, CG
     "Potpisujem, jer nasilje nema opravdanje!"
    NIkoleta Kosovac, SRB
    Maja Sevnik, SLO
  •  "Potpisujem protiv nasilja nad zenama"
    Rizijana Ljutvi, HR
     "Podpišem - ni hujšega nasilja kot prefinjeno mučenje za štirimi stenami, ki ga izvaja partner več obrazov, ki žrtev sploh noče izpustiti, kot ovčka!"
    Snježana Muzica, SLO
     "Podpišem da"
    Dunja Špendal, SLO
  •  "bila sam proganjana i fizicki i psicki zlostavljana i niko se nije odazvao na moje pozive u pomoc nazvali su me lazovom i prostitutkom potpisujem"
    ivana mogin, SRB
    Violeta Miladinović, SRB
     "Stop zlostavljanju, podcjenjivanju, izrugivanju, manipulacijama, iskorištavanju i neravnopravnosti žena!"
    Iva Perković, HR
  •  ""
    Danca Jordan, SLO
     "Nasilneže bi bilo potrebno "zdraviti" z njihovim zdravilom... mogoče bi kateri potem le premislil, preden bi se lotil nemočne žrtve, predvsem pa otrok!!!"
    Rosemarie Tretjak, SLO
  •  "Potpisujem protiv nasilja!"
    Jelena Šurlan , BIH
     "Potpisujem Potpisujem srcem !"
    Maja Armenko, CG
    Nevena Delic, SRB
  •  ""
    Urška Bec, SLO
     "Dovolj! Čas za spremembe! Podpišem."
    Enea Rebec, SLO
    Sanija Burageva, MK
  •  "Potpisujem!"
    Zoran Pavelić, HR
    Jasna Kastigar, SLO
    Miha Hocevar, SLO
  •  "#potpisujem"
    Jelena Mićić, SRB
    Vera Bric, SLO
    Špela Zupančič, SLO
  •  ""Podpisujem in verjamem, da bomo skupaj dosegli, da bo nasilje prepoznano. Vsi imamo pravico do svojega življenja in ljubečnosti.""
    Tamara Mikin, SLO
    Ivona Blažević, HR
     "Sem proti nasilju nad zensksmi"
    anja markoč, SLO
  •  ""
    Urška Jurak, SLO
    Edita Sahman, CG
     "Sovražim nasilje nad ženskami!"
    Tadej Verčko, SLO
  •  "napokon. samo da ugeledamo to svjetlo........ kad izađemo iz tunela! potpisala"
    koraljka štambuk, HR
     "Nakon potpisivanja konvencije ocekujem siroku podrsku u primeni i sprovodjenju iste u svakodnevnom zivotu!"
    Natasa Stamatovic Jokovic, SRB
  •  "Potpisujem"
    Gordana Šelendić, HR
     "Nasilju lahko rečemo samo NE!"
    Tatjana Brozič, SLO
     "Iskreno se zahvaljujem vsem sočutnim (pravim!) moškim, ki so se z nami pripravljeni zoperstaviti spolno operdeljenem nasilju in šovinizmu! Miša"
    Miša Mahnič, SLO
  •  "Zar je komentar potreban?"
    Renata Nižić, HR
     "Proti nasilju!"
    Lučka Mlinarič, SLO
    Arijana Kokot, HR
  •  ""
    Sara Potisek, SLO
    Sonja Aleksic, SRB
     "Potpisujem za svoje kćeri i zato što kao vjernica znam da ljubav prema bližnjemu treba konkretne mjere, zakonsku zaštitu od nasilja nad ženama."
    ana marija raffai, HR
  •  "Prijavi nasilje!"
    Tena Mihaljević, HR
    Ksenija Vukotić, SRB
    Dejan Soklovacki, SRB
  •  "Potpisujem"
    Maja Potapov, SRB
     "Recimo stop nasilju!!"
    Ursa Valenta, SLO
    Darija Perković, HR
  •  "Potpisujem"
    Nelvinagink, ENG
     "NE nasilju!"
    Dina Grozdanović Poštolka, HR
     "Potrebno je boriti se!"
    Mirna Tošić, SRB
  •  "Podpišem"
    kamal izidor shaker, SLO
     "Pravzaprav zelo žalostno, da se nam to v današnjem času sploh še dogaja...!!! Podpišem!!!"
    Zdenka Klep, SLO
     "podpiram konvencijo"
    vili hohnec, SLO
  •  "Potpisujem"
    Antonia Buzov, HR
    STOP NASILJU! Mnogo je žrtava koje ne smeju da prijave mučenje jer nadležni ne reaguju kako bi trebalo i ne pružaju zaštitu!"
    Biljana Sajinovic, SRB
    marija kure, SLO
  •  "Potpisujem"
    Jelica Roland, HR
    Edita Šalov, HR
    Lucija Šutalo, HR
  •  "Potpisujem"
    Diana Lakicevic, CG
    Lana Topolovac, HR
     "U svemu smo jace, u trpljenju, davanju, odgovornosti, obavezama,o obitelji da se i ne prica-doslovce drzimo tri coska i cetvrtog podrzavamo....a i njih volimo...sama cinjenica da su fizicki jaci..ipak im ne daje pravo da nam dobro vracaju zlim!!!"
    Biserka Cvrtila, HR
  •  "Potpisujem"
    Sanja Gorjanac, HR
    Neda Mirković, SRB
     "I sign"
    Simona Mahovič, ENG
  •  "Potpisujem"
    Jadranka Koršić, HR
     "Potpisujem... Događaju se strašne stvari, a još je strašnije što niko ništa ne preduzima."
    Velickovic Goran, SRB
    sandrs pust, SLO
  •  "Ich Unterstütze, weil, wie erwähnt, JEDE! Recht auf Schutz hat"
    Veronika kapeller, AT
    Barbara Osolnik, SLO
    maja vuksanovic, SRB
  •  "Potpisujem."
    Kaja Horvat, SLO
    Milena Kovacevic, SRB
  •  "Potpisujem"
    Manuela Ilić, HR
    Elena Petrusevska, MK
  •  "Podpišem"
    Matej Gorenjc, SLO
     "Sad je dosta!"
    Jožica Cvrtila, HR
     "Ustavimo miselnost - če se ne dogaja tebi se te ne tiče.."
    Lilijana Flakus, SLO
  •  "Potpisujem"
    Tihana Glas, HR
     "S potpisom želim odati počast svim hrabrim ženama koje su patile i na kraju pobijedile, a podrška onima koje su na tom putu."
    Branka Hlavati, HR
    ana uranija, HR
  •  "Potpisujem"
    Edis Salibašić, HR
     "Potpisujem protiv nasilja!"
    Sanja Janjic, BIH
    Jadranka, HR
  •  ""
    Jernej Škof, SLO
     "STOP svim oblicima nasilja!!!!"
    Korana Grozdanić, HR
    Svetlana Radosavljevic, SRB
  •  "Potpisujem"
    Anja Dimitarević, HR
     "Potpisujem jer zelim da se nasilnici uklone iz doma a ne da zene i djeca vise po sigurnim kucama kao sirotinje i da ih se na takav nacin lise slobode!"
    Dragica Markanović, HR
    Rezka Povše, SLO
  •  "Potpisujem"
    Andrea Despotovic, SRB
    Marina Medic, SRB
    Polona Muratspahić, SLO
  •  "Potpisujem!"
    Marija Šmint, HR
    Zvezdana Brmbolic, SRB
    Siniša Sanković, HR
  •  "Potpisujem i podržavam."
    Tijana Miljkovic, SRB
    Uros Jovanovic, SRB
    Dimitrije Gajin Vlasic, SRB
  •  "Potpisujem i poručujem : vrijeme ja za nultu tačku tolerancije prema nasilju nad ženama !"
    Ljiljana Raičević, CG
     "Potpisujem da više nikad i nigdje niti jedna žena,majka,djevojka i djevojčica ne bude zlostavljana na bilo koji način"
    Kristina Posilović, HR
     "Naravno da podržavam i potpisujem!!! Ukinuti svaki vid nasilja!"
    Sonja Lukic, SRB
  •  "Gewalt gegen Frauen ist die Spitze eines Eisberges, der den destruktiven Anteil unseres Zusammenlebens abbildet."
    DI Roswitha Tscheliesnig, AT
    Irma Šiljak, BIH
    Lorena Žikovič, SLO
  •  "Podpišem. Žalosti me, da v današnjem svetu potrebujemo podpisovati konvencije o nenasilju nad ženskami. Da je nasilje tako prepredeno v družbi. Dajmo spremeniti to."
    Ana Zupančič, SLO
    Gulja Perovic, SRB
  •  ""
    stanko k. pocrnić, SLO
    Snežana Todorovič, SLO
    Vojko Bratušek, SLO
  •  "Potpisujem"
    zdravka simic, SRB
    Elizabeta Gojan, HR
    Milena Mileva BLAZIC, SLO
    jovanovic biljana, SRB
    Biljana Djukic, SRB
    Andrea Klobucar, HR
  •  "Potpisujem."
    Boris Bajić , BIH
     "samo hrabro :)"
    Tomislav Šolto, HR
     "Podpišem, ker je tako prav!"
    Branko Kaučič, SLO
  •  """
    Vesna Birk, SLO
     "rebernik Bojana"
    Bojana Rebernik, SLO
    Dragoslava Djokic, SRB
  •  "Potpisujem"
    Milica Vukelic, SRB
     "Potrebne smo jedna drugoj, potrebne smo ženama koje trpe nasilje, dužnost nam je da radimo zajedno, da udružimo svoju pamet, snagu i uticaj da promenimo inertnost institucija..."
    Zorica Mrsevic, SRB
    Milica Antonoski, SRB
  •  "Potpisujem"
    Snežana Velebit, HR
     "Protiv sam svakog fizičkog i psihičkog nasilja nad ženama."
     "Ich Unterstütze"
    Seklehner Roswitha, AT
  •  "Podpišem za vse tiste, ki se ne morejo same izboriti"
    Marina Štrus, SLO
    Milena Pavlovic, SRB
    Miroslava Šepić, HR
  •  "Potpisujem"
    Andrijana Ivic, SRB
     "Potpisujem Jer u protivnom cu biti kao i vi."
    Maja Kosanović Ruk, HR
     ""Ne stori drugemu to, kar ne želiš, da drugi storijo tebi....""
    Edita Oštraković, SLO
  •  "Potpisujem"
    Petra Krolo, HR
    Marina Krstić, SRB
    Ivana Zelić, HR
  •  "potpisujem protiv nasilja!"
    tanja soric, HR
     "UdruŽENE smo!"
    zrinka prkačin, HR
    Sanja Pajić, SRB
  •  "potpisujem"
    Roberto Bilić, HR
    Sanja Misanovic, BIH
    Katarina Slipcevic, HR
  •  "Potpisujem"
    Helena Rajčić, HR
    eeqiirusvudog, HR
    Biljana Radusin, SRB
  •  "Potpisujem za stop nasilju. Podrška!"
    Gordana Marcetic Radunovic, SRB
    Sanja Milosevic, SRB
     "Potpisujem i apsolutno podržavam!"
    Tamara Ljubičić, SRB
  •  "Potpisujem"
    Irena Špoljarić, HR
     "Stop nasilju nad ženama u porodici i svakom drugom obliku nasilja. Za život bez nasilja."
    Svetlana Popadic Lezimirac, SRB
    Barbara Radan, HR
  •  "Potpisujem jer žene treba da budu srećne i voljene."
    Milica Šain, SRB
    Besa Canolli, HR
    Tanja Sodnik, SLO
  •  "Potpisujem za život bez straha, bez nasilja."
    Vesna Jaric, SRB
     "Potpisujem! Inferiornost je odlika slabih. A slabi koriste nasilje nad ženama"
    Ljubomirka Mira Asovic, SRB
    Крунослав Аџиевски, MK
  •  "Potpisujem"
    Leila Topić, HR
    Jovana Radovanović, SRB
    Upišite ime Nena Tomašević, CG
    Damira , SLO
    urška , SLO
    Maja Radonjic, CG
  •  "Podpišem in pozivam proti nasilju nad komerkoli!"
    Biserka Perovšek, SLO
    Marijana Ljevar, HR
    Vedrana Kosovac, SRB
  •  "take geste so mi všeč. menim da nebi smelo biti nasilja ne s strani moških niti s strani žensk"
    sonja zamljen, SLO
     "Ljudi, žene se vole, žena vas je rodila, ne bi postojali da nema žene. NAJVIŠE VOLIM ŽENE, a posebno svoju ljubav, hvala ti što postojiš Bojana!!! :)"
    Goran Savic, BIH
     "Ich Unterstütze"
    Klaudia Friedl, AT
  •  "Potpisujem Stop nasilju nad ženama!""
    Danijela Novicevic , CG
    Sasa Skofic Grzincic, SLO
    Marijana Arlović, HR
  •  "potpisujem"
    marijana pecic, SRB
    Maša Vezovišek, SLO
    suzana, SLO
  •  ""
    Urška Zgonc, SLO
    Mira, SRB
    Helena Zaradić, HR
  •  "Potpisujem: STOP nasilju nad ženama!"
    Ana Irena Hudi, HR
    Nikolina Vučetić, HR
    Lara Pastorcic, HR
  •  "Podpišem"
    Kenan Karaibrahimovic, SLO
    Miroslav Maksimović, SRB
     "Podpišem, naj se za vedno konča!"
    Alenka Krstič, SLO
  •  "Potpisujem"
    Irma Sijamhodžić, SLO
     "Potpisujem, zato što je ovo više nego važno!"
    Vanja Rakić, SRB
    Anđela Dubljević, SRB
  •  ""
    Darja Lavrenčič Vrabec, SLO
    Brigita Tadić, HR
    Martina Beljan, HR
  •  "Za življenje brez nasilja!"
    Neža Krošelj, SLO
     "Ich Unterstütze: Jede Frau ist wundervoll in ihrem SEIN und kann sich am besten in einem friedvollen Umfeld entfalten!!!"
    Christina Ettenauer, AT
  •  "Potpisujem"
    Aleksandra Aranđelović, SRB
    Nadica Stavrova, MK
    Danijela Radic, SRB
  •  ""
    Andreja Suša, SLO
    Dinka Maržić, HR
    Ana Galić, SRB
  •  ""
    polona lesjak, SLO
     "Svaka cast...."
    Nikola Bjegovic, SRB
     "Nekatere stvari so v današnjih časih nedopustne in nesprejemljive. Naj se vsakdo tega zaveda!"
    Matej Koncut, SLO
  •  "Potpisujem"
    Irma Šiljak, BIH
    Jasna Bunčić, SRB
    Marija Drobac, HR
  •  "Potpisujem"
    Mirjana Drobac, SRB
    Dusko Avonja, SRB
     "Potpisujem Sto prije!"
    iva lesic-bralo, HR
  •  "I sign"
    Mirjana Dervisevic, ENG
     "Stopimo skupaj in premagajmo povzročitelje nasilja! Njih je treba izločiti in pozdraviti, ne pa, da se morajo umikati in bežati žrtve nasilja!!!!! To je bila tudi tema moje diplomske naloge Organizatorja socialne mreže. Jaz sem kot otrok doživljala nasilje med mojima staršema, kasneje sem tudi sama bila žrtev nasilja. Zato sem se izobraževala na tem področju in se naučila reči STOP! Meni je uspelo...upam, da bo tudi drugim, če jih bomo ozavestili in jim pomagali. BRAVO za vašo akcijo!"
    Miljana Dekleva, SLO
    Draskovic Kruselj Renata, HR
  •  "Potpisujem za svoje kćeri u nadi da će one živjeti u boljem svijetu."
    Gordana Jugo, HR
    Simona, SLO
    Jelena Vujnovic, SRB
  •  "Da žene znaju da za njih postoji pravo i država i da ih niko neće manipulisati i ucenjivati na ćutnju kroz strah i pretnje! "
    Dragana Campar, SRB
    Stefanija, MK
    Nataša Šalić, HR
  •  "Potpisujem!"
    Petar Tarabić, HR
    Blagica Kostadinovski, SRB
    Milica Dabovic, SRB
  •  "Potpisujem"
    Marija Končar, SRB
    petra grilj, SLO
    Juliana Kučan, HR
  •  "Potpisujem"
    dubravka kusturin, HR
     "Život u strahu nije život. Apsolutno potpisujem."
    Ljiljana Valas-Juraj, HR
    Sonja Draženović, HR
  •  "Potpisujem"
    Sabina Krešić, HR
    Nada Stanisic, SRB
    Katarina Krajačić, SRB
  •  "Potpisujem"
    Jovana, SRB
    Elena Petrusevska, MK
    Bojana Banić, SRB
  •  ""
    urška metelko, SLO
     "Stop nasilju nad ženama!!!"
    Majda Gržić, SRB
    Anamarija Tkalčec , HR
  •  "Ich Unterstütze sehr gerne."
    Antia Schlipfinger, AT
    bojana stojanovska, MK
     "Ich Unterstütze"
    Sieder hermine, AT
  •  "Podpišem. Podpišem zato, ker si vsaka ženska zasluži pravico do življenja brez nasilja."
    Karolina Arutyunova, SLO
    Marija Ćenan, HR
    sonja knez, SLO
  •  "Nasilne veze su bezveze"
    Anamarija Kovač, HR
     "Potpisujem protiv nasilja prema ženama"
    Irina Nemec, HR
    Tanja Sustarsic, SLO
  •  "mislim, da je zelo pomembno, da smo ženske samostojne in enakopravne moškim. upam da bo ta konvencija pripomogla k pravicam vseh žensk po svetu."
    lara juvančič, SLO
    Kilino Stojkov, SRB
    Jelena Aleksic, SRB
    Tatjana Verušević, SRB
    Sabina Bojc , SLO
    Nina Roškar, SLO
  •  "U zemlji u kojoj svako malo u javnosti slusamo o slucajevima partnerskog nasilja sa smrtnim ishodom za zene potrebno je reci - dosta!"
    Kristina Mandić, HR
    Mina Pišljar, SLO
    Maja Vujacic, CG
  •  "Sem proti vsakršni obliki nasilja in izkoriščanju moči."
    Tomaž Podbevšek, SLO
    Bojana Nardin, SLO
    Vedrana Mišković, HR
  •  "Ich Unterstütze"
    Birgit Thaler-Haag, AT
    Irena Lesar, SLO, SLO
    Dinka Anicic, HR
  •  "Potpisujem."
    Jelena Buvač, SRB
     "Ustanimo zajedno protiv ovog zla u društvu. Crne hronike su pune nasilja i zločina u porodici!"
    Slavica Đaković, SRB
    Irena Pribošič, SLO
  •  "Potpisujem"
    Lucija Novak, HR
    Nataša Cetinja, SLO
    Sara Gobec, SLO
  •  "Potpisujem"
    Lucija Žunić, HR
    Tomaž Bajec, SLO
    Јасмина Цековска, MK
  •  ""
    Barbara Pečnik, SLO
    Kristina Marušić, HR
    Vjekoslava Morić, HR
  •  "Potpisujem"
    snezana burzan, CG
    S.M, HR
  •  "!!!"
    Sara Potisek, SLO
    Vildana Ljujković, CG
    Branislava Rakic, SRB
  •  ""
    Sara Medvešček, SLO
     "Nobena zenska si ne zasluzi, da bi bila zlorabljena!"
    Mateja Kastelic, SLO
    Ivan Markovic, SRB
  •  "Potpisujem!!!!!!"
    Milica Gacevic, SRB
    Bojana Vuleta, SRB
    Sandra Božič, SLO
  •  "Potpisujem"
    Neda Ljubičić, HR
    petar bratulić, HR
    lidija orešković, HR
  •  "Ich Unterstütze"
    Andreja Keše, AT
     "U ovoj drzavi nema pravde niti pravosudja niti policije. U porodici imam brata nasilnika zao mi je njegove supruge,ona se plasi.Zelim pravdui i kazne."
    Natasa Cekic, BIH
     "Potpisujem, I sama sam bila žrtva obiteljskog nasilja, zajedno sa djecom. Danas su djeca odrasla a ja u 74 godini još uvijek trpim ponižavanje i uvred"
    Đurđica Gospodarić, HR
  •  "Potpisujem"
    Katarina Prnjak, HR
     "Ich Unterstütze die Umsetzung der Konvention, denn Gewalt soll immer verhindert werden."
    Ingrid Ausserer, AT
     "Potpisujem protiv nasilja nad ženama!"
    Leana Brajković, HR
  •  "Potpisujem!!"
    Violeta Perčić, HR
     "Potpisujem jer niko ne voli siledzije"
    Ivana Šćepanović, SRB
  •  "Potpisujem"
    Patrizia Deranja, HR
    Maja Štimec, HR
    Josipa Smolcic, HR
  •  "Potpisujem da žena ima isto pravo na život kao i muškarac koji joj isti ugrožava!"
    Monika Trbovic, SRB
    Valentina Lunko, HR
    Iva Ostriž, HR
    Brina Tus, HR
    brunetta celofiga, SLO
  •  "Potpisujem"
    Maja Ševrović, HR
     "Itak! Podpišem!!"
    Igor Budihna, SLO
    Jelica Kovačević, SRB
  •  "Potpisujem"
    Anja Anđelković, SRB
    Dragica Sušnik, SLO
    Mateja Mlinarič, SLO
  •  "para que se termine la violencia hacia la mujer y hacia todas las personas !"
    nancy bianco , HR
    Jakob Jerič, SLO
    Ana Kotur, SRB
  •  "Potpisujem"
    vesna seslija, SRB
     "Potpisujem! STOP nasilju u porodici!"
    Masa Tolinacki, SRB
    Jasna Kastigar, SLO
  •  "Potpisujem"
    Bruna Velcic, HR
    Pejovic Luka, SRB
    Tina Rotar Šaronja, SLO
  •  "Potpisujem"
    Vivian Petkovic, HR
    Anja Prelević, CG
    Ana Gnjatovic, HR
  •  "Podržavam projekt, potpisujem!"
    Haris Buljubašić, BIH
    Katarina Starčević, HR
     "Potpisujem !!!"
    Đorđe Maksić, SRB
  •  "Potpisujem"
    Maja Štasni, HR
    Ana Paliska, HR
    Bernarda Crnjak-Radusinović, HR
  •  "Podpišem"
    Anja Radovič, SLO
    Metka Kralj, SLO
     "Sebično zlo koje vlada Srbijom. Sa sve hipnotisanom gomilom sebičnih, netolerantnih, nesvesnih svog neznanja likova koji bi želeli da budu neko???"
    Olivera Marin, SRB
  •  "Potpis ne ostavlja negativne posljedice. Nasilje da! Prekinimo tradiciju u kojoj žene žrtve nasilja nemaju dovoljnu zaštitu i pomoć."
    Monika Di Doi, HR
    Goran Božičević, HR
    Jelena Bogojević, HR
  •  "Tek kad postanes zrtva proganjanja, shvatis da nemas kome da se obratis za pomoc. Samo napred!"
    natasa luxor, SRB
    Mirela Marijan Long, HR
    Nives Frka-Petešić, HR
  •  ""
    Karl Pollak, SLO
    Stjepan Mikec, HR
    Visnja Pokorni, SRB
  •  "Potpisujem"
    Danka Kuželj, SRB
    Frosina Popovska, MK
    Mara Dragić-Trogrlić, HR
  •  "podpisujem"
    alenka milavec, SLO
    mila simpraga, HR
     "Podržavam i ja!"
    Natalija Pejčinović, HR
  •  "Potpisujem protiv nasilja"
    Nikolina Popadić, BIH
    Mateja Tomić , HR
    Ana Miskovska Kajevska, MK
  •  "Podpišem..."
    Mateja Tiselj, SLO
    Dubravka Zivkovic, SRB
    Tomislav Smrekar, HR
  •  "Ich Unterstütze"
    Angelika Preßlauer, AT
    Sanja Švelić Krčmar, HR
    Milena Todorovič, SLO
  •  "Podpišem."
    Anja Sajovic, SLO
     "Potpisujem ! Protiv fizičkog, psihičkog i emocionalnog nasilja. Protiv rušenja integriteta, dostojanstva i samopoštovanja. Nasilje nema opravdanje."
    Jelena bozovic, CG
  •  "Potpisujem!"
    melita henc, HR
    Dalibor Pajic, BIH
     "Ich Unterstütze die Umsetzung der Konvention des Europarates gegen Gewalt an Frauen, damit sich die Gewalt nicht in nachkommenden Generationen fortsetzt. Gewalt als Mittel zur Durchsetzung und Erhaltung von Macht ist ein menschenverachtendes und entwürdigendes Verhalten. Das Recht und die Institutionen sollten sich keinesfalls auf die Seite des Stärkeren stellen. Tätern soll es nicht möglich sein, über gemeinsame Kinder die Frauen durch Sorge- und Umgangsrecht weiterhin unter Kontrolle zu halten. Vielmehr gilt es, den Opfern wirksamen Schutz und Hilfe zu gewähren, ohne diese zu bevormunden."
    Petra Raphael, AT
  •  "Potpisujem"
    Nevena Zivkovic, SRB
    Anita alampioska, MK
    Alojzij Mohorčič, SLO
  •  "Potpisujem Maja Rajkov"
    Maja Rajkov, SRB
    Vesna Kavre, SLO
    Dunja Sever Vitez, HR
  •  "Potpisujem! Svaka žena ima pravo na život bez nasilja!"
    Denisa Dejanovic, SRB
     "zar treba komentar?"
    Bojana Lukic, SRB
    Vanessa Požežanac, HR
  •  "Podpišem"
    irena bizjak, SLO
    Biljana Knežević, SRB
     "Imzami atiyorum!"
    Najle Koceva, TR
  •  "Potpisujem"
    Nemanja Miletic, SRB
    Milan Grahek, HR
    Jelena Jovanovic, SRB
  •  "Podpisujem"
    Sabina Križanec, SLO
    Andrea Dragičević, HR
    Iva Židan, HR
  •  "Potpisujem"
    Marijana Sarolic Robic, HR
     "Podpisujem, ker sem proti vsakršni obliki nasilja!"
    Petra Peterka, SLO
    Martina Matić, HR
  •  "Potpisujem"
    Ivana Nikolic, SRB
    Darja Bitenc, SLO
     "Podpišem. Definitivno."
    Ana Lampret, SLO
  •  "Potpisujem"
    Indira Kalic, CG
    Јулија Вучковска, MK
    Zeljka Pejanovic, SRB
  •  "Potpisujem"
    Barbara Đurkić, HR
    Marija Brajković, HR
     "Draga Vlado RH, molim vas ratificirajte konvenciju protiv nasilja nad ženama iz 2013. g. Hvala! Ines Ris"
    Ines Ris, HR
  •  "STOP za nasilstvoto! IZBORI se za svoeto dostoinstvo!"
    Suzana Radinska MK, MK
    Marina Vucetic, SRB
    Adem Bisevac, SRB
  •  "Potpisujem"
    Sandra Pećnjak, HR
    Sandra Pasaric, HR
    Polona Kobal, SLO
  •  "Potpisujem"
    aqinizicot, HR
     "Potpisujem. Mir"
    Ivana Strmečki, HR
    Ana Pirv, SLO
  •  "Potpisujem"
    Marija Pletikosić, HR
     "Potpisujem i nadam se da neće stati samo na borbi protiv ovog oblika nasilja. Svako nasilje treba spriječiti i kazniti!"
    Viktorija Gabrek, HR
    Morana Skukan, HR
  •  "Потпишувам секој ден!!!"
    nikica atanasovska , MK
    Nikolina Ćalušić, HR
     "Potpisujem protiv nasilja!"
    Sanja Janjic, BIH
  •  "rodimo se svobodni in samo odločamo o svojem življenju, tako bi moralo tudi ostati."
    Maja Majcen, SLO
    Daša Török, SLO
  •  "Потпишувам"
    Маре Станимировиќ, MK
    Miha Modic, SLO
     "STOP NASILJU NAD ZENAMA!!! Danas potpisujem da bi sutra sve žene bile bezbedne!"
    Ilkić Olivera, SRB
  •  "Potpisujem"
    Spomenka Tomić, SRB
    Selena Kukić, SLO
    Sonja Robnik, SLO
  •  "Ich Unterstütze"
    Cäcilia König, AT
    Andreja Ošlaj, SLO
    Nina Stojic, SRB
  •  "milijon puta POTPISUJEM!!!!"
    Ivana Travica, HR
    Jasna Petrović, HR
    Luka Nižetić, HR
  •  "Potpisujem"
    Stefany Heged, HR
     "Svako je gospodar svog univerzuma. Ne dozvoli da tvojim zivotom zagospodari neko drugi."
    Sladjana Jankovic, SRB
     "Najveca moguca podrska! Potpisujem!"
    Nevena Vujović, ENG
  •  "Потпишувам !!!"
    Ivana Angelovska, MK
    Thomaspinc, ENG
    Erzebet Sike, SRB
  •  "Potpisujem"
    Mislav Milicevic, HR
    Branka Šoštarić, HR
    Nikola Čvorović, SRB
  •  "Prvi korak k odpravi nasilja je, da se o njem spregovori!"
    Marjana Andrić, SLO
     "Svaka pomoc je dobro dosla, jos uvijek su zene nezasticene na nasim prostorima."
    Gordana Blitva, BIH
    Tanja Kovačič, SLO
  •  "Potpisujem"
    Drazenka Crnomarkovic, SRB
     "Podpišem, ker vem..."
    Lena Kolenko, SLO
    Mirta Perković, HR
  •  "100 % potpisujem"
    Alen, CG
    svetozar radivojevic, SRB
     "NE nasilju!!!!"
    Vesna Humar, SLO
  •  "Potpisujem sve navedene "ne želim". Kako ne želim za sebe, tako ne želim ni za sestru, ni za mamu, ni za sestričnu, niti za bilo koju ženu, meni bližu ili dalju. Sve ove stavke "ne želim" olakšavaju mi razlučiti što želim: a to je sigurnost i zdravlje, jednake mogućnosti i slobodu izbora."
    Marina Markanović, HR
    Radenka Babic, BIH
     "Pravi muškarci ne vrše nikakvo nasilje nad ženama. One druge treba izbaciti iz kuće i kazniti zatvorom."
    Zoran Živković, SRB
  •  "Podpišem"
    Eva Fiamengo, SLO
    rok potočnik, SLO
    Snježana Brajković, HR
  •  "Potpisujem"
    Ksenija Cegledi, HR
     "Ja bi radije da muževi ne tuku žene, nego da ih tuku!"
    Adrian Mišak, HR
     "Podpiram in zahtevam uveljavitev Konvencije o preprečevanju nasilja nad ženskami in nasilja v družini ter o boju proti njima,"
    Mag. Jelena Aleksić, SLO
  •  "Potpisujem"
    Smiljana Matijević, SRB
     "Potpisujem, jedno veliko DA za ovako dugo očekivanu odluku. Još da se poradi na pomoći ženama oko zaposlenja, zbog čega se u većini slučajeva trpi."
  •  "Potpisujem"
    Ksenija Kamir , HR
    Jovana Trenchevska, MK
    Ljiljana Peršun, HR
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   Comment -
Number of comments: 15731   
the view of activists from the region
Istanbul Convention: the view of activists from the region!
Reform Agenda for 2021
prEUgovor coalition
Reform Agenda for 2021
New EU report on Serbia's progress even more critical!
Ombudsman’s Special Report on the work of the groups for coordination and cooperation in the area of the City of Belgrade
Gender perspective and the perspective of women with experience of gender-based violence
What are the effects of the implementation of the Law on the Prevention of Domestic Violence?
The Absence of Reform in Chapters 23 and 24
Serbia has received the first baseline report!
Monitoring the measurable effects of the reforms!
Whether such a law is necessary in the first place?
Coalition prEUgovor Report on Progress of Serbia in Chapters 23 and 24 - September 2019
Authorities care for the form, not the essence of reforms!
Positive impact of the Istanbul Convention
Making further progress through strong political commitment
worrying tendencies, lack of transparency and deterioration of the context for the achievement of rights of women
We need to stand up for women’s sexual and reproductive health and rights
Equality between women and men is one of the objectives of the European Union
Any sexual act without consent must be punished!
Changing the criminal offense of rape - Punish any involuntary sexual intercourse
Support the CONSENT campaign
Analysis of the work of the Office of the Commissioner for the Protection of Equality
Fulfil the promise of a comprehensive response to violence against women
The prEU coalition has presented the latest Alarm Independent Report
Zero tolerance on gender based violence
Croatia submitted the ratification documents
Extension of the GREVIO Expert Group
The Croatian Parliament ratified the Istanbul Convention
Coalition prEUgovor Report on Progress of Serbia in Chapters 23 and 24
States are obliged to protect women and their children from all forms of violence!
Macedonia has ratified the Istanbul Convention
Enhance protection and support for women victims of violence
Strengthen efforts to combat all forms of discrimination against women
Provide full protection to human rights defenders
Recognition for the campaign Are you allergic to injustice
Not one woman less, not one murdered more!
Signed Decree on proclamation of the Law on Ratification of the Istanbul Convention
Improve the position of the victim in the protection procedures
Implementation of the Council of Europe Convention
Access to compensation for victims of trafficking in human beings
Implementation of the Action Plan for Chapters 23 and 24
It is necessary to pursue further harmonization of the Criminal Code with the Council of Europe Convention
Again, we are demanding that the state of Serbia change the definition of the criminal offense of rape
Establishment of a national SOS helpline in Serbia
A new report on Serbia's progress in chapters 23 and 24
Independent monitoring of the application of the Law continued
NGO report on the implementation of the Istabul Convention in Montenegro
Responsible application of the law requires regular and independent monitoring
The public has the right to be informed about the omissions of the competent services
Autonomous Women’s Centres’ new campaign
Necessary to improve reporting on progress in chapters 23 and 24
Support for Civil Society in Hungary
Ending a continuum of violence against women and girls in Europe
Ministry of Interior accepted all suggestions from AWC!
Law on Prevention of Domestic Violence
Stalking and sexual harassment
Stalking and sexual harassment
The PrEUgovor Coalition presented Progress report on Serbia regarding chapters 23 and 24
Day of Remembrance of the murdered women victims of violence
Council of Europe signed the Istanbul Convention
If anything is common to women it is the experience of male violence against women
AWC is piloting the implementation of the new Law on the Prevention of Domestic Violence
Access to justice and protection for women and children survivors of gender-based violence in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Working Group for preparation of Draft Law on Ratification of the Istanbul Convention
Bread and Peace and Roses
March for 8th of March
Bread and Peace and Roses
The best video from youth from Serbia at the Award ceremony in Brussels
Montenegro this year also in the dance of solidarity
UNIQUE POSITION: The position of victims in criminal proceedings is extremely inadequate
The best youth video
The best youth video
Another success of the I SIGN campaign
XI Conference of the provincial network of institutions
VREME against violence: where we started and where we are
Moving gender-equality agenda forward in the Western Balkans and Turkey
Openly about violence against women (SLO)
International Day against Femicide marked in Kruševac
AWHZ and CWWV-ROSA urged the ratification of Istanbul Convention in Croatia
Collection of case conference examples for protection against domestic violence
Campaign against violence in the streets of Belgrade
Street actions in the Rasina District within the
On the Day against VAW Prime Minister Plenkovic: We are starting the process of ratification of the CoE Convention
The International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women
Conference “Comprehensive approach in combating violence against women”
AWC announcement on the occasion of International Day for the elimination of violence against women
Street action to promote I Sign Campaign
International day against violence against women (SLO)
Interview for 16 Days of Activism against Gender Based Violence and I Sign Campaign
The struggle for improving the position of women victims of domestic violence is not over yet
Actions of police during the international days against violence against women (SLO)
Press conference for the start of 16 Days of Activism against Gender Based Violence
Joint call by UN Rapporteur on VAW and all other mechanisms to end femicide and GBV
Debate on the response to violence against women
Neva Tolle from Autonomous Women's House Zagreb on problems in the functioning of system for protection of women from GBV
AWC launched new campaign against violence against women
changes to Domestic Violence Prevention Act (SLO)
Meeting with representatives from the institutions
Project „Coordinated efforts“ was awarded for its contribution to the changes in the region
GREVIO Expert Group reviewed first state report with representatives of Monaco
AWC presented comments in principle on the laws to the representatives of the Committee
Stricter sanctions have been promised – NOT turning criminal acts into infractions! SRB
The Law must contain precise and binding provisions
Missed opportunity to fully harmonize the Criminal Law with the Convention
International Conference Implementation of Measures to Fight Violence Against Women. From Words to Action!
At the proposal of AWC, the Ministry of Justice renounced to introducing a new criminal act in the national legislation
Speech of UN Special Rapporteur on violence against women, its causes and consequences
Towards better legislation with the support of Women’s Parliamentary Network
Great challenges facing women – we need connections, solidarity and activism
The Coalition PrEUgovor presented Progress Report on Serbia regarding Chapters 23 and 24
The irregular status of migrants in Serbia
Crisis centers for victims of sexual violence
Step Up! Europe – Unite to end violence against women and their children
International conference Implementation of Measures to Fight Violence Against Women. From words to action!
When there are not enough hours of the day (SLO)
Support and protection to women victims of gender-based violence
Welcome to Croatia, a country where women victims of violence do not have sufficient protection
International conference dedicated to Istanbul Convention
Proposal for the establishment of the crisis centers for women victims of sexual violence including rape in Bosnia and Herzegovina
GREVIO received first state reports on implementation of the Council of Europe Convention against VAW and DV
Serbian Ombudsman found omissions and issued recommendations regarding the protection of victims of violence
Introduction of systemic measures against violence announced in Serbia
Discussion with representatives of the Women's Parliamentary Network
Professional and responsible media reporting on violence against women in Serbia
Priorities in Program for Cooperation of Women NGO and Women in Legislative and Executive Governance
Radio Show on domestic violence
Positive reactions to Campaign
Defining Standard Operating Procedures for Prevention of and Response to Gender Based Violence in Crisis Situations
Women’s Network Croatia rejected invitation for ceremonial reception from President
Leaders of the process Brdo Brioni - to strengthen gender equality and eradicate violence against women
Discussion on the need for faster ratification of the Istanbul Convention in Macedonia
Debate on violence against women within Mixer Festival
From Conflict to peace? Women and Girl’s Voices on the Move
Ministry of Interior adopted AWC’s comments to the draft Law on Asylum and Temporary Protection
Partly rejected, partly adopted
WAVE launched the campaign Step Up! on the rights of women survivors of violence to access support and protection
Romania ratified Council of Europe Convention on Violence against Women
Coalition prEUgovor published its six-month report
I Sign Campaign among the finalists of the competition for the best PR projects
Presentation of the independent report of Serbia’s progress in chapters 23 and 24
Cooperation between governmental institutions and women NGOs for implementation of the CoE Convention
Autonomous Women’s Center presented regional project at the Fourth Regional Congress of Social Work Students in Serbia
Memorandum of Cooperation was signed with three Ministries in Macedonia
Human Rights Committee adopted concluding observations for Republic of Slovenia
Serbia’s Law on Asylum should be harmonized with the CoE Convention against VAW
GREVIO launched the monitoring of the implementation of the Istanbul Convention
GREVIO adopted its questionnaire to monitor implementation of the Istanbul Convention
Belgium ratified the COE Convention on Violence against Women
Maja Plaz, president of the Association SOS Help-line winner of the title Ona 365
European Commission proposes EU accession to CoE Convention on violence against women
European Women's Lobby announced its priorities to the EU for 2016/2020
Member of GREVIO Group confirmed AWC’s amendments to the Criminal Code
Changes in Family Law and its Implementation
International campaign to end violence against women
Establishment, work and financing of safe houses in Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Amendment to the Family Violence Prevention Act
COE Commissioner for HR commended CSOs dealing with issue of VAW and urged state to cooperate with them
Effectiveness of systemic mechanisms to prevent violence against women and domestic violence
Financing and establishment of safe houses in Federation of BiH
Appeal to the Womens Parliamentary Network in respect to the regulation of penalties for prostitution
Ministry of Justice reduces achieved rights in the area of protection of children victims of crime
Appeal from AWC to members of Women Parliamentary Network to support the implementation of emergency barring orders
EU acquis in the area of social policy
A sense of security is lost
Data collection and usage of an interactive database on VAW
Ministry of Interior avoids implementing the special procedures for offenders employed in the police
Nada Golubović in TV broadcast with the Director of Agency for Gender Equality of BiH
Meeting with the Commission for Gender Equality in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Session of the Council for the prevention of domestic violence in the Republic of Srpska
Government of the RS at the 69. regular session on 7. January 2016 accepted the UN CEDAW Committee report
AWC believes that the new Law on financial support to families with children increases poverty of already poor families in Serbia
Reaction of AWC to the proposal of National Strategy for Gender Equality 2016 – 2020
Condemning the assault of the President of the Trade Union of the Republic of Srpska
Establishing the national SOS Help-line for women victims of violence
Third time voting for emergency protection measures
Concern due to the lack of coordination in the announced law changes
Training on the interactive data base for the application of the CoE Convention against GBV
Talk about violence against older people
Exchange with the representatives of the Intersectional Commission on Human Rights
Moment of silence for killed women with amendments for emergency protection measures
Lecture on violence in intimate relations and CoE Convention at Central Library of Celje
Intimate partner violence – gender specific differences
Workshops for youth at the Neighborhood Youth Centers
Members of the Parliament in silence rejected amendment for removal of perpetrator from house/home
of the delegation of the Government of Montenegro in Slovenia
Presentation of Association SOS Help-line and CoE Convention to students at Faculty of Criminal Justice and Security
Actions for signatures collection of citizens in Vranje
No one woman less, not one more dead!
No one woman less, not one more dead!
Coalition “prEUgovor” made new Serbia Progress Report
Together against gender based violence
CEDAW Committee published recommendations for Republic of Slovenia
CoE Convention on Preventing and Combating Violence against Women – conditions and challenges in MK
8th Conference of Criminal Law and Criminology
Presentation of the Association SOS Help-line on 25. November
Presentation at the Professional Consultation in Celje on the International Day for Elimination of VAW
Two-day seminar about the data base
Presentation of the Campaign
General and specialized support services for women who have experienced violence - quality and availability assurance
AWC was awarded for its contribution to the advancement of womens rights
Street action “Stop Violence - From words to action!”
Conference within national campaign Vesna: Violence against women as a public health problem
Centre for Civic Reactions and Initiatives joined the I Sign Campaign
Roma Association Novi Bečej activists supported the I Sign Campaign
Violence against women is a social problem – from words to action!
Support services for women who have experienced violence
Street action and press conference
Street action and press conference
Stop violence! From words – to action!
Public Action in Split
Stop Violence, from Words to Actions!
against violence against women and domestic violence
Stop Violence - From words to action!
Implementation of the Council of Europe Convention on Violence against Women
Stop Violence – From words to action!
SOS Vojvodina Network marked the beginning of the campaign in Novi Sad
Violence against women and required changes of legislation
Stop Violence – From words to action!
International conference in Podgorica, Montenegro
TV Show Good Morning (Dobro jutro)
Country after warnings required to protect women against violence
Stop violence – From words to action!
Internationl Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women 2015
Amendments to introduce “emergency protection measures” in the Law on Police
Protect women and girls victims of genders based violence!
Stop violence! From words – to action!
Round table Distress of children in divorce proceedings
The Netherlands ratified the Istanbul Convention
Stop violence. From words - to action!
Third World Conference of Women 2015
Third World Conference of Women 2015
17th WAVE Conference (Women Against Violence Europe) 2015
„Women’s Collective Power to Stop Violence! Conference to strengthen the WAVE network“
of Commission for Petitions, Human Rights and Equal Opportunities on violence in society, family and against individuals
Protection and support of women victims of gender based violence – current conditions and good practices
Sexual abuse of children cannot remain a taboo - European Day for Protection of Children against Sexual Exploitation and Abuse
Presentation of the amendments to the Criminal Code (KZ-1C) at the Association for Nonviolent Communication
Fighting Femicide Conference
Regional conference in Skopje, Macedonia
Conference dedicated to the implementation of the COE Convention on VAW
International conference: Implementation of the CoE Convention on VAW - two years after its ratification in Serbia
Regional – follow up conference in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Monitoring and Implementation of the Istanbul Convention - New Synergies
High – level conference in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Public discussion in Bijeljina
Public discussion in Bijeljina
New amendments to Criminal Code KZ-1C
Speech by BiH Presidency Chairman Dragan Čović at the global leaders meeting in NY
Interactive dialogue Tackling inequalities, empowering women and girls and leaving no one behind
Summer School for young feminist of Europe
Launch of national hotline for victims of domestic violence
EC suspended the signing of a grant contract for project of Public Policy Institute
WSH seeking the protection of victims of domestic violence through the Family Law
Policy and Practice to Reduce and Prevent Femicide: Innovation and Sustainability of Actions and Reserch
for the Republic of Macedonia by the UN Human Rights Committee
Tanja Ignjatović presented Indicators for monitoring the implementation of COE Convention on VAW in Montenegrin Parliament
Press release in the TV show Dobro jutro
Harmonization of national legislation with the Istanbul Convention
About the collateral victims of intimate partner violence
AWC submitted to MPs citizens’ signatures to support introduction of emergency orders
Commissioner supports adoption of emergency barring orders
New strategic development goals and GE - equal opportunities on the agenda of the Republic of Macedonia
Maja Plaz: Most calls and threats are after reported tragedies in media, Delo
Deputy Prime Minister Zorana Mihajlovic supported the introduction of emergency orders
MP Milisavljevic organized a press conference and supported introduction of emergency orders
About domination and possessiveness and not about unrequited love - Reaction of the SOS helpline
Why we need emergency barring orders?
Why we need emergency barring orders?
Raising awareness on the problem of GBV
Meeting with the representatives of Assembly on the occasion of the submitted initiative
Meeting with representatives from institutions
Study visit to institutions and organizations working on suppression of GBV
Through cooperation to better results against VAW
Women Center informs the citizens of Zlatibor District about procedures of CSW and police
Press release on media reporting in relation of intimatepartner murders
Denial of data is not a way to prevent discrimination
Coalition “prEUgovor” presents Report on progress of Serbia in chapters 23 and 24
Let us build the rainbow - a workshop on violence for migrant women
AWC submitted a letter to the EC regarding the Screening Report failures
No one woman less, not one more dead!
Citizens in Dimitrovgrad supported introduction of emergency barring orders
Parliamentary Committees supported the AWC’s proposal for introducing emergency barring orders
AWC criticizes bad proposals to protect women from violence addressed by the three ministers
Memorandum of Understanding with NGOs that provide hotline services for women and children victims of violence
Association of Roma Women „Osvit” from Niš organized street action against femicide
We require quick and efficient state reaction!
Protest against the murder of women in Serbia
Press release and call for action on the murder of women in Serbia
Street action
Street action
Poland has ratified the CoE Convention on violence against women
AWC requires introduction of emergency barring orders and new powers for the police
Vanja Macanovic from AWC nominated for GREVIO membership
Let’s stop stalking of women!
with representatives from Ministry of Labor and Social Policy, Center for Social Work-Skopje and Parliamentary Commission on European Affairs
Remark on the transparency of candidates selection process
Nominations for GREVIO completed
Meeting with the Minister of Labor and Social Welfare
of NGOs in the field of DV
Expert consultation
of NGOs in the field of DV
Session of the RS Council for Fighting Violence in a Family and Family Community
Repeated Marginalization of VAW and DV
Foundation “United Women” Banja Luka in TV program “In Focus”, at the public broadcaster RTRS
Human Security Through the Perspective of Gender Equality
Questions addressed to Minister of Interior
Educational workshop on the occasion of International Womens Day
International Women-s Day marked in Novi Sad
Support for Global campaign to end violence against women and girls
The first working meeting of partner organizations
Documentary film SLO
Advocacy for Transparent Process of Nomination of Women/Men Members of GREVIO from BiH
for monitoring implementation of COE Convention on VAW
Proposal for the establishment of centers for victims of sexual violence in Serbia
to consider model of unique database on DV and VAW
NCGE received the Human Rights Award from the French Embassy in Macedonia
Safety of women – responsibility of local community
Public discussion dedicated to protection of women from GBV in Uzice
SOS helpline within the system of services for women victims of violence - do we implement Istanbul Convention?
Activities in Kikinda dedicated to the implementation of COE Convention on VAW
for analysis on compliance of the state standards with the COE Convention on VAW and DV
I sign that I will always support you!
Future perspectives on preventing violence against women and their children
Importance of the Council of Europe Convention on VAW - implementation at the local level
Istanbul Convention
Istanbul Convention
to put female genital mutilation (FGM) on the political agenda
has set the draft law on ratification of the Council of Europe Convention
on 25 of November - International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women
Slovenia needs a comprehensive system of assistance for victims of violence
“Current situation on the field of violence against women in Slovenia
COE Convention on VAW – one year anniversary from its ratification in Serbia
Analysis of harmonization of the legislative and strategic framework of the Republic of Serbia with the standards of the COE Convention
Round table on amendments to the Decision on Social Protection of the City of Uzice
The Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe adopted the rules on the election procedure of the members of GREVIO
on the status and protection of women who experience violence - LOCAL LEVEL
To monitor the use of Council of Europe Convention - Translation from Serbian document
dedicated to the Council of Europe Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence
General Rapporteur on violence against women of  the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe
Nobody likes empty promises - Things that nobody likes have to changed
From signing to ratification: the experiences of countries in South East Europe and Turkey
Closing event within the IPA CSF FPA programme
Istanbul Convention - an important milestone in the history of changes on womens rights
Malta has ratified the Istanbul Convention
for Government RH on the occasion of the entry into force of the Convention
President Ivo Josipović supported the campaign I sign
The Istanbul Convention enters into force on 1 August 2014
Mr Davenport supported open letter on a lack of public debate on important legislation
ratifies the Istanbul Convention
has ratified the Istanbul Convention
Initiative for realisation of right to compensation for victims of criminal offenses
Continuation of the campaign in Uzice
Application „Bezbedna“ for an emergency call for help
Journalist Suzana Trninić supported the campaign I SIGN
New provincial Program for protection from violence
Balett dancer Sonja Lapatanov supported the campaign I SIGN
Proposals for amending the Draft Law on Free Legal Aid
Access to health care for women with disabilities in Zrenjanin
Continuation of the campaign I SIGN in Novi Sad
Actor Petar Benčina supported the campaing I SIGN
Actress Tamara Dragičević supported the campaign I SIGN
Continuation of the campaign I SIGN in the southern Serbia
Champion in taekwondo Milica Mandić supported the campaign
Journalist Dragan Ilić supported the campaign I SIGN
Journalist Gorica Nešović supported the campaign I SIGN
Actress Tanja Bošković supported the campaign I SIGN
Actress Ana Sofrenović supported the campaign I SIGN
Swimmer Nadja Higl supported the campaign I SIGN
Presentation of work of the Center for Women War Victims - ROSA
Reminding authorities of the promises made in the campaign I sign
Personalized stamp with the visual identity of the campaign I sign
The Parliament Session
with the representatives of the Ministry of Social Policy and Youth
The role of women in Croatian society
“Protection of women victims of domestic violence in light of the ratifications of the Council of Europe Convention on Preventing and Combating Violence against Women and Domestic Violence”
Second phase of the campaign in Serbia
Report on Progress in Chapters 23 and 24
Elections for European Parliament – attitudes of candidates from political parties about human rights of women and minorities
Denmark ratified the Council of Europe Convention on violence against women
Data collection in administrative databases on violence against women
enters into force this summer!
Group of NGOs requires urgent withdrawal of laws from parliamentary procedure
Only one more ratification for the Convention to enter into force!
Legislation draft on the rights of victims of sexual violence in civil wars
by Rashida Manjoo, UN Special Rapporteur on VAW
Violence against women means violation of basic human rights
Together against Domestic Violence
Roundtable discussion
Together against Domestic Violence
Regional cooperation
Do not use violence in the future!
Meeting with local partner organizations
Broadcast on national television
Good hour with Bernarda
Broadcast on national television
Defining strategies on how to decrease the marginalization of women in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Advocacy activities at local level
Regulating the rights of people living in consensual unions
of the results of the 4th round of monitoring the implementation of Recommendation Rec(2002)5 on the protection of women against violence in Council of Europe member states
Empowering homeless women for protection from violence on the street” within the project Empowering women rough sleepers to protect form violence on the streets
Preparation of indicators for monitoring of the implementation of the CoE Convention on VAW
Violence against women and ratification of the Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence
Domestic violence - the role of legislation and corporate social responsibility
Implementation of the Council of Europe Convention against VAW
in the Parliament with MPs
Radio show on Violence against women
Criticism of the Croatian Family Law
Without understanding of the key shortcomings of the draft Law on Free Legal Aid
Things that nobody likes have to be changed
Implementation of the Istanbul Convention
Distributing leaflets in the City Center One
Gender equality pays off!
CSOs criticized new Draft Law on Free Legal Aid
Preparation of Law on Domestic Violence - participation
Why we are together
Radio Show
Why we are together
How to improve the protection of women from violence and victims of domestic violence
Public action to collect signatures in Poreč
Broadcast on national Radio Slovenia 1
Broadcast on national Radio Slovenia 1
International Human Rights Day marked in Novi Sad
International Human Rights Day marked in Vranje
International Human Rights Day marked in Užice
Slovenia hesitates to fight violence against women
Action on violence against women “I sign”
Broadcast on national Radio Slovenia 1
The position of victims of rape and other sexual offenses in Serbia
The action I sign at the photo exhibition “Borders”
National implementation of the recommendations of UN CEDAW Committee and the Istanbul Convention
Broadcast on national Radio Val 202: Violence against women must be stopped and about the Istanbul Convention
Broadcast on national television
Representatives of local bodies for gender equality signed for the implementation of the Convention
to mark the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against women
The International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women
Violence against women and mental health in times of economic crisis
I Sign - Public action to collect signatures in Split
How safe am I?
How safe am I?
I sign!
I sign!
Activists of the Women’s Section of Autonomous Trade Union of Serbia from Kragujevac marked the International Day of Elimination Violence against Women
Presentation of the ‘’I sign’’ Campaign at the Symposium of the Academic Council on the United Nations System (ACUNS) in Vienna
Women Center Užice organized the street action for collecting signatures and distribution of leaflets
Main event
25. november
Main event
Daily news reports on television
Broadcast on national Radio Slovenia 1
Broadcast on national television
Good morning Slovenija
Broadcast on national television
Broadcast on national Radio Slovenia 1
City Museum of Ljubljana
Press Conference
City Museum of Ljubljana
Publishing articles about violence against women, about the Istanbul Convention, about the campaign “I Sign
Publishing articles about violence against women
The topic of the meeting was violence against women
SOS helpline Vranje has launched the campaign I SIGN
Things that nobody likes have to be changed!
How women’s movement influenced state policies
Working meeting
Working meeting
International Conference dedicated to the Council of Europe Convention against violence against women
Promotion of the Convention on the TV show The Social Network
The Law on the Ratification of the Istanbul Convention adopted
New Opportunity for Better Protection of Women against Violence
Participation in the 21st Meeting of the Committee on Human and Minority Rights and Gender Equality
AC UBL NSRP Drutvo SOS telefon CZR Sigurna enska kuca WAVE EWL
Savet Evrope
AC UBL NSRP Drutvo SOS telefon CZR Sigurna enska kuca WAVE EWL Savet Evrope
Campaign is supported by:
The contents of the website are the sole responsibility of Autonomous Women’s Center and can under no circumstances be regarded as reflecting the position of the European Union.
Campaign is supported by:
The contents of the website are the sole responsibility of Autonomous Women’s Center and can under no circumstances be regarded as reflecting the position of the European Union.